Well, here I am after over a week of no posts. I'm just too worn out on my work days to commit to daily blogging, so I'll do it when I can. Not a lot happens here on a day to day basis anyway.
Last Saturday was Benji's 20th birthday. We celebrated by eating out at Stix. His girlfriend Abby & her family joined us. It was fun. Benji loves Star Trek & has forever, so I found a cake decoration online & got the ladies in the bakery at work to make him a Star Trek cake. Here are some pictures from his birthday:

After Stix we came home & he opened his presents. Then we watched a movie that he got. I don't remember the name. lol. . .It's been a week now. . .

Monday was mine & Craig's wedding anniversary. It was 24 years. We ate out Sunday night because we were both working Monday. I knew I'd be tired. We went to Olive Garden -- we had a gift card. It was good. I always like it there.

One day recently my foot doctor came into the store where I work & he came through my line. He was asking about my foot & I was telling him how bad it still hurts. He said I might need surgery & to come back & see him. Yikes! I don't want surgery! I'm tired of the pain though, so it might be worth it. I can't remember if I have blogged about it before, so in case I haven't, I have plantar fasciitis.

We got a call on Tuesday night from Craig's brother. Their father passed away that day. Craig hasn't been in touch with his father in a very long time. His father left the family. Anyway, Craig's brother gave the current wife or which ever family member all of the family names for the obituary & it appears that most of them were intentionally left out. Just one final dig after everything that happened years ago. People can be so mean.

Today Craig, Benji, Abby & I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was good.

Tonight I finally updated my website. It was way over do! http://www.traciestanley.com/sitemap.html

I guess that is it for now!

Good night!


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